All AssessTech products are delivered using a Software as a Service business model, so that customers do not have to worry about deployment or management of servers or getting involved in upgrades and other platform, software, or hardware issues. Customers license our products with one simple, fully inclusive license fee that includes:

  • A system licensed for a maximum number of candidates
  • Unlimited access to a highly competent support desk who handle all required system configuration and customisation, including bespoke reports and dashboards tailored to each business
  • 24/7 emergency support for high severity issues
  • Training
  • Platform Hosting and Support, including all upgrades
  • Support for all current browsers and relevant operating systems
  • Import of all operational data, including the development of bespoke import tools if they are required.

Our customers never need to worry about finding additional budget unless they want to buy an additional system or add extra modules – they can budget with confidence each year.

We do not charge fees for the development of new features. If we believe they will be good additions then we develop them at our own cost and provide them to customers under the terms of their existing licenses.

Industry Knowledge and Expertise

At AssessTech we pride ourselves on our Railway industry knowledge and expertise. We are committed to building products that help the industry to improve its safety record through supporting people. We are pioneers of developmental competence management, which puts the candidate front and centre of the process, encouraging them to own their own competence and ensuring safety is paramount in the eyes of everyone involved.

We run regular user forums for all of our customers where we present new ideas and get feedback and guidance on what to develop next. We are also members of the Rail Safety Standards Board (RSSB) and have participated in the development of the Risk Management Maturity Model (RM3) for the railway industry.

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