We are constantly surprised by the new ways our customers find to use the data on ACMS. We regularly receive requests for updates to existing reports as well as brand new reports to support this ever-growing activity. Here’s a roundup of what we see as our best new additions.
If any of these reports are of interest and you are unable to find them on your system, please contact the Customer Operations team who will make sure you have access to them.
Assessment Reporting
The AST 05.01 CMS Period Status By Candidate report
This report provides a detailed view of all assessments carried out between a given date range, with Y/N fields for completed, last, outstanding and outstanding with reason.
The AST 05.02 CMS Period Status By Depot report
This report provides a count for each of the Y/N fields detailed above by depot and role.
Schedule Completion Report
The SC03 Schedule Completion report displays the number of completed assessments, a percentage of completed assessments, upcoming assessments and number of overdue assessments on the current schedules for each candidate.
The My Teams Schedule Completion report displays the same information but is generated from the My Teams widget to automatically populate with the user’s Teams data.
Assessor Verification Report
The AV06 Assessor Assessments Sample report is a PDF report which collates the assessment reports for three random assessments conducted by the chosen assessor within the selected date range. The report is generated from the candidate dashboard.
Authorisation Approval Admin Report
The Authorisation Approval Admin report indicates all overdue authorisations and their particular status. This report can be filtered to view all expired authorisation approvals.
Unit Assessment Items Stats Report
The A6 Unit Assessment Items Stats Report has been made redundant and is being replaced by the CS 05. Unit Assessment Items Stats Report. The A6 will be removed from the system shortly.
A20. Latest Darkness Assessment
The A20 report displays the last time each candidate was assessed during darkness based on darkness weather condition information.
A10.04 Assessment Workload CMS Events Status Report
The A10.04 has been designed to analyse overdue authorisations using a RAG status.
- Candidate is out of competence, current date is over 56 days after the period end date
- No proposed date has been submitted
- Proposed date is beyond the 56 day exceedance date
- No overdue authorisation has been submitted
- Overdue authorisation has been submitted
Assessment Planning Report Bulletin Section
The assessment planning report has been enhanced to include a section for the candidates bulletins, which indicates a candidates active bulletins and shows the assessor which bulletins the candidate has not read.
A21 Assessed Item Detail Report
This report displays all the assessed items on assessments performed within the selected date range.
CS05 Unit Assessment Items Stats Report
This report demonstrates the items that have been assessed within a particular criteria unit across the different depots and the level that the items have been given.
CS03 Criteria Set Item Assessed level Report
This report demonstrates the number of times each criteria item within a criteria set has been assessed in a given date range. This is also broken down by the levels that the item has been given.
Licensing Reporting
In line with the train driving licencing regulations, we have added configurable functionality which allows users to issue a withdrawn SCWID. This can be activated on a per role basis e.g. only for Driver SCWIDs. When a SCWID is withdrawn from a candidate, a copy of the certificate with a ‘Withdrawn’ watermark will be sent to the logged in user.
License Forms
As it’s coming up to 10 years of ACMS, some of our customers are finding that their drivers’ licences are up for renewal. To prepare for this we have created a report which replicates the ORR Driver Licence Renewal Application Form. The report automatically populates many of the fields with information stored on ACMS and is generated through the candidate dashboard.
Admin Reporting
Candidate Data Reports
Most of our onboarding customers have been using Candidate Data to store files from previous CMS systems. The C7 Candidate Data report displays all candidate data files held on ACMS, including a description of each file as well as who it was uploaded by.
Personnel Reports
The X18.01 Inactive Personnel report displays a list of personnel who have a leaving date within a month of the date the report is generated. This can be automatically sent out to a recipient list on a regular basis.
X28 Candidate Leavers Report. Report to show all those candidates who have been marked as left and all those candidate who have left their role within the specified date range.
Bulletin Reports
The BL04 Bulletin Admin report displays the status of every bulletin on ACMS. It includes the bulletin start date, end date, expiry date and withdrawal date, as well as the person who created the bulletin.
AD03. Admin User Duplicated Payroll
The AD03 report is generated on ACMS but displays all duplicate payroll numbers on the linked AssessBook system. This report excludes deleted users.
Check Reporting
Depot Health Check Report
The Z10 Depot Health Check report is a management report that highlights overdue assessments, candidates with no CMS schedules, candidates with no valid SCW certificate, candidates with expired medicals, candidates with incapacities, candidates not in a team and candidates with a support plan that has overrun.
Candidate Current Check Report
The CC06 Candidate Current Check report is a check report that demonstrates the current result of a particular check and those who have not completed a particular check that was scheduled.
Bulletin Reporting
Candidate Bulletin Dashboard Report
The Candidate Bulletin Dashboard report is an individual candidate report that indicates all bulletins that have been issued to the candidate and their read and signed status.
Candidate Reporting
R7. Candidate Off Role Routes Refresh Report
The R7 was designed to keep track of candidates who require a route refresh due to being off role for more than 6 months. The report includes all candidates with driver or guard or contingency guard competence, who have an incapacity that means they are off role (off role = YES) of more than 6 months (from start date of incapacity).
Qualitative Feedback report
This is a candidate report which displays the summary feedback from a candidate’s last 10 assessments. An additional input control can be used to include or exclude any comments on criteria scored below or above a standard level.
BL05 Candidate Bulletin History Report
This report displays all the historical bulletins that have been issued to candidates. It captures all the bulletins that have expired/ended and the bulletins that have been withdrawn.
Team Reporting
E7 Team CMS Checks Due Report
This report displays the upcoming and most recently completed checks on your team members, so you can see when the candidate was last checked and if they have an upcoming or overdue check.
If you would like any of these new reports or report amendments enabled on ACMS then please get in touch with the customer operations team.