
This course is designed to equip a suitably qualified individual from a railway company to discharge the responsibilities of the Train Operating Liaison Officer (TOLO) role.

Booking Your Course

To book a Train Operating Liaison Officer Course or to enquire for further information, please contact bookings@assesstech.com, where a member of the AssessTech team will be happy to assist.

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What is a TOLO?

A Train Operating Liaison Officer (TOLO), is the person who attends an incident on the railway to represent the interests and discharge the responsibilities of the railway company in respect of managing that incident. Standards state that:

Railway undertakings shall appoint a Train Operators’ Liaison Officer (TOLO) when circumstances require or the infrastructure manager requests it, to represent the interests of all the involved railway undertakings.

The infrastructure manager shall liaise with railway undertakings involved in, or affected by, the incident, exchanging details of the incident, its location, site access, rendezvous points, and identities of the DLP/RIO and Train Operators’ Liaison Officer (TOLO).

Who is the course for?

Any Manager who holds the pre-requisites and key skills can attend this course and should be able to learn to confidently undertake the role of the TOLO.


  • Driver competence, Guard competence or managerial competence in Operations

  • Personal Track Safety (PTS)

Key Skills

  • Strong leadership
  • The ability to use initiative
  • Good understanding of issues relating to staff and customer welfare

What's covered in the course

The Course covers the following:

  • Understanding how an incident occurs

  • Understanding your company’s paperwork and standards

  • Identification of key personnel during an incident

  • Assisting staff and members of the public
  • Gathering and preserving evidence

  • Dealing with the media

Course Delivery

The TOLO course is delivered over one or two days of training, based in a classroom or remotely. It consists of a mixture of formal learning and practical exercises including walking through scenarios based on historical incidents.

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