
The purpose of the Check module is to provide an electronic means to perform quick checks on multiple people in a location. This can either be done using ACMS via the web, or on a tablet using the aCheck app.

On this page:


FFD Check: or Fitness for Duty checks are the default check on ACMS and are designed as a quick check of whether or not a person is fit for duty.

Custom Checks: bespoke checks set up by TOCs.

Check Types

There are 2 types of checks, default checks and custom checks:

  1. A default check is done whenever a person is seen. This is most often a Fitness for Duty check but can be set up as you wish.
  2. A custom check is scheduled for either a specific person or audience (group of people) to be checked.     

Default Checks - FFD

Fitness for Duty (FFD) checks are enabled by default on the system. They are applied automatically to all candidates and are designed to be completed whenever that person is seen.

Custom Checks

Custom checks are any additional checks that are required in ACMS e.g. a Fatigue Check could be utilised when a Driver's Fatigue Index is high and it is necessary to assess whether they are safe to continue work. These can be customised to capture any information that is required when the check is performed.


New check types are created by going to Menu > Reference Data > Check > Check Type.

Scheduling a Custom Check

As custom checks are not default they must be scheduled for a particular audience or candidate. This is done in the Check Workbench admin.


Menu > Check > Check Workbench.

To learn how audiences are set up, please refer the Audiences guide.

Candidate Check

The Candidate Check admin can be used to view and manage completed checks. 

It's possible to search for a particular candidate using the search bar and a completed check can be deleted by right clicking on the check and selecting 'Delete'. 

Useful Reports

  • CC01 Number of checks performed by personnel - a crosstab report with the number of checks completed by each personnel grouped by region and depot.
  • CC02 Period checks - a crosstab report with the number of checks completed grouped by role type, the personnel who performed the check and location.
  • CC03 Candidate checks summary - displays a count of all candidate checks split into check types.
  • CC04 Candidate current fitness check status - list of current FFD checks with expiry status.
  • CC05 Candidate checks by manager - displays all checks performed by a given manage within a date range
  • CC06 Candidate current check - display current checks with check type and option.

Useful Widgets

Configurable Features

Scheduling Custom Check → Defines whether when scheduling a custom check if the second page defaults to candidates or audiences.


Can I delete a completed check that has the wrong check type option?

As of the 5.2.3f release it will be possible for ACMS admins to delete checks through the Candidate Check admin. This admin is currently only available to AssessTech admins. 

If I delete a completed custom check will this also remove the FFD check that was completed at the same time?

No, only the custom check will be deleted.

When a new member is added to an audience which has already been scheduled a custom check, will the check be automatically assigned to them?

No. If a candidate is either added manually to a static audience or automatically added to a dynamic audience, after a custom check has been scheduled, then they will not be assigned the check. Depending on the number of new audience members you should either create a new audience and schedule another custom check or issue the check to individual candidates.